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How do I get my spouse an ITIN?

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

If you are a U.S. tax payer, your spouse can get an ITIN (individual tax identification number) even if your spouse does not work assuming your spouse is not in the process of getting a social security number.

To do so, you will need to prepare a joint tax return with your spouse and attach it to your spouse's ITIN application. You will also need to provide your spouse's identification documents to either the IRS (via mail) or to a local Certifying Acceptance Agent (in person).

Your spouse will need to prove his or her identification and foreign status. This can be an unexpired foreign passport or a combination of the following documents:

  • National Identification Card

  • United States Drivers License

  • Civil Birth Certificate

  • Foreign Drivers License

  • United States State Identification Card

  • Foreign Voters Registration Card

  • United States Military Identification Card

  • Foreign Military Identification Card

  • Visa issued by United States Department of State

  • United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Photo Identification.

Your spouse does not need to be in the U.S. to qualify for an ITIN. Spouses living abroad are eligible. However, your spouse will need to sign the application and the tax return, so you'll need to figure out the logistics on how that'll happen. Your spouse will also need to report all of his or her world wide income on the joint tax return, not just their U.S. income, and pay taxes on it.

If you already filed your tax return, you can still get your spouse an ITIN by submitting an amended tax return with your spouse's ITIN application.


If your spouse needs an ITIN, we can help you every step of the way. We'll prepare your tax return and the application, authenticate your spouse's identification documents, and submit the application to the IRS. Don't risk getting denied because of a mistake. Call us today!

(612) 440-3998

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